Truth in the face of falsehood – What lessons can we draw from Ashura?


[Picture: Taghribnews]

And say: “Truth has arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood by its nature is bound to perish.” Muharram marks the start of the new Islamic year and presents Muslims around the world an opportunity to deeply reflect on the events that have passed and how they can become better.

The 10th of Muharram symbolises Ashura – a day of religious significance where Prophet Moses peace be upon him, liberated an oppressed people from the tyranny of Pharoah. This story is also a reminder to Muslims of the promise of God that justice will prevail to those who oppress the innocent.

The bulk of the last Islamic year was filled with scenes of Palestinians being mercilessly butchered while certain global powers endorsed their actions in the name of “self-defence”. Is this Ashura the most important one for Muslims in the modern context?

Guest: Sheikh Ihsaan Taliep – Principal of the International Peace College of South Africa (IPSA)


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