Resistance meets fashion


[Picture: Radio 786]
The question came about in light of the 7th of October 2023, what can I do to help Palestine?
Resistance Meets Fashion with RAHF. A young designer hailing all the way from Mitchell’s Plain uses the art storytelling through fashion and design. Every design undergoes a creative process that inspires passion, freedom, and resistance.
Fashion designer and founder of RAHF, Moegamad Rahfeeq Abrahams says that a garment is saying something without using your mouth. His latest collection, called Watermelon Seeds, is in honor of all the Palestinians who lost their lives to the Genocide.
Each piece is carefully thought out with the finer details, leaving an impact on those who wear it or share it. The fabric mimicked the resilience and the tenacity of the Palestinian people. @rahf.official


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