Radio 786 Youth Day Takeover


Radio 786 has hosted a takeover of the airwaves by young people since after its establishment in 1995.

The initiative happened in tandem with the young broadcasters learnership program previously called Youthopia, and in recent years, the PodSquad. The opportunity enables young people to receive training in radio such as programmes production, voice and presenter training and acquiring the basic broadcast sound engineering skills.

This year the station will once more host a group of vibrant young people that will host all of the day’s programming; including the traditional rendering of the Thikr on Thursday.

Radio 786 Station Manager Tashreeq Truebody said the station believes that such initiatives are crucial to exposing young people to broadcasting – a platform and tool for young people to take the lead. The platform, he says, remains largely driven by a blend of young and experienced staffers, many of whom that were developed by this training and mentorship approach.

June 16th, 1976 is regarded as a turning point in the fight against Apartheid. Defined by the uprising led by young people, this segment of the struggle was quest for the emancipation from Bantu education. This bravery led to the tragic sacrifice that we commemorate on this day.

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