Radio 786 celebrates Youth Day with a special broadcast


Picture: Radio 786

For over two decades, Radio 786 has honored youth by commemorating the brave souls who lost their lives on June 16, 1976. Each year, the station dedicates its airwaves to young broadcasters, allowing them to take over the day’s programming.

Due to the overlap of significant dates—Arafat on June 16th and Eid-ul-Adha on June 17th—to continue the tradition, the management of Radio 786 opted to celebrate Youth Day on Friday, June 14th.

The event was a collaborative effort, featuring partnerships with various youth organizations such as Irshaad Institute, An-Nas Foundation, and Radio 786’s own Pod Squad. The evening’s Culture Hour was hosted by the Khuddamul Islam Nasheed Group, a well-known entity within the South African Muslim community.

Rushni Allie, the Brand & Communications Manager of Radio 786, emphasized the day’s purpose: “Youth Day is all about celebrating and empowering the youth with broadcasting skills and making their voices heard. For the youth, by the youth.”

The young broadcasters excelled, delivering a dynamic and engaging broadcast that was well-received by listeners. Congratulations to the youth for their vibrant contribution and successful takeover of the airwaves.

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