No End to Social Grant Misery in Kraaifontein


Kraaifontein residents wanting to apply for social grants will need to endure the difficulties of travelling far for a Sassa office. This as there is no attempt from government entities to resolve the issue. Sassa’s Western Cape spokesperson Shivani Wahab says it’s out of their hands. She explains that they were forced to suspend their services from the Northpine Community Hall after two months due to complaints. It’s understood that the ward councillor and his sub-council had received complaints from residents living in the vicinity of the hall. They accused Sassa clients of polluting the area with waste. The Community Advisory Services in Kraaifontein has described the situation as heartbreaking. It says that some residents are forced to travel the day before and sleep outside the Sassa office in Eerste River in the hope of being served. [Picture: Youtube]

LISTEN: Radio 786 spoke to SASSA Western Cape spokesperson Shivani Wahab to establish what is being done to resolve the situation.

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