Nakba: 75 years on and Israel’s brutal aggression continues


[Picture: File / Radio 786]

Nakba rallies are taking place in several cities across the world.

It marks 75 years of increasingly brutal Zionist occupation of Palestine. This year’s commemoration coincides with the brazen murder of several Palestinians in Gaza and other parts of the occupied lands.

The Israelis began bombing Gaza in the early hours of Monday morning. The airstrikes targeted several homes, including that of Palestinian resistance fighters. Secretary general of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassen Nasrallah says that the Israelis are bombing Gaza to distract from the decay in within the Zionist regime.

Critics have long noted that the Israeli occupation of Palestine can no longer be compared to Apartheid, as it has moved on to fascist imperialism. This is echoed by anti-apartheid activist, Dr Allan Boesak.


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