Jenin under “Israeli” fire but Palestinian resistance stands resolute


A battle is raging in the West Bank city of Jenin. For close to two days now the Israeli occupation forces has been invading and attacking the Palestinian city. It has bombed more than ten homes and is carrying out a mass abduction campaign. At least six people have been martyred and several others injured. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades says its fighters are confronting the occupation forces with heavy barrages of bullets and explosive devices.
In one of its operation their fighters targeted the occupation’s reinforcements at the entrance of the town of Silat Al-Harithiya. It says the invading soldiers were injured and there were also deaths. The US backed Israeli occupation entity has repeatedly attacked Jenin in the hope of crushing its resistance. But to date this has failed. The latest invasion is reported to be the largest Israeli invasion since the Fury of Jenin battle in July.
[Picture: Al Jazeera]


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