Austria Releases Islamophobic Map of “Muslim” Areas


A leading Muslim group in Austria is expected to file a lawsuit against the government for unveiling a controversial and racist “Islam map”.

Muslim Youth Austria lambasted the government for identifying the locations of mosques and Muslim associations around the country.

Signs have also been put up near these areas, depicting an angry looking Muslim man. The signs also come with a warning, indicating that political Islam is nearby.

Integration Minister Susanne Raab launched a website on Thursday, called the National Map of Islam, with the names and locations of more than 620 mosques, associations, and officials and their possible connections abroad.

The group Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGOE) warned against stigmatising all Muslims living in Austria “as a potential danger to society and the democratic legal order in the country”.


[Header image: AA Photo]*

*An undated photo taken near a town in Austria


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