Amidst road closures, WC dams celebrate heavy rains


[Picture: File / Radio 786]

The Western Cape’s officials have enforced several road closures due to the inclement weather.

The roads impacted include:

  • Bainskloof Pass: Closed till further notice due to flooding at the causeway leading to the pass
  • Franschhoek Pass: Closed due to a slip
  • Goudini Road closed due to flooding
  • Slanghoek Road: Section of road has been washed away and a single lane traffic accommodation is in place at this section
  • Du Toitskloof Pass closed
  • Mitchell’s Pass closed due to mudlsides

This as the Goudini and Slanghoek Roads also closed due to flooding.

Western Cape MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell, says that they’re working to reopen roads and restore services that may be disrupted due to the heavy rains.

He has also urged the public who may be travelling this long weekend, to practice caution.

Meanwhile, the Water Department says that the heavy rains are putting the province in good stead ahead of the drier season.

Spokesperson, Malusi Rayi has however urged the public to continue save water, so that once summer hits, there will still be enough water for all.

The Western Cape’s dams were at 63% capacity this time last year, while they’re now edging closer to 80%.


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