Allergic Rhinitis, can rooibos tea alleviate your symptoms?


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Allergic Rhinitis, can Rooibos Tea alleviate your symptoms?

Healthwise speaks about Allergic Rhinitis, its symptoms, the difference between it and the common cold and how to get involved in the new study currently underway.

Participants, 18 years and up are invited to be a part of a study where they are exposed to house dust mites, a trigger or Allergic Rhinitis and then to Rooibos tea in the form of a nasal inhaler.

Symptoms are then measured and amongst other findings, they then aim to identify if there is definite merit in using Rooibos by nasal inhalation and the best dose of it is then aimed to confirmed.

Participants are taken through exactly what is expected when connecting with them, they’ll also be reimbursed between R350 and R500 for each visit to the institute.

Participants may connect with practice manager Noejfah Jardien on 021406 6889 or [email protected]

Guest: Prof. Jonny Peter from the UCT Lung Institute


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