Arab and Muslim countries have been called to unite and form a clear path of support for Palestinians in order stop the Israeli atrocities against them.

Syria’s President Bashar al Assad says that all these countries should agree on a single and clear position to support the rights of the Palestinian nation and the oppressed people of the besieged Gaza Strip. He warns that every hour of delay on a decision will cause the Zionist regime to commit more crimes against the Palestinians.

For his part the Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says Tehran is trying to establish such coordination as soon as possible by contacting the heads of Islamic countries.

Both leaders agreed that Zionist Israel is much weaker than it had revealed and this has been exposed by Operation Al Aqsa Flood.

Raeisi further noted that all those who had openly declared their relations with the Zionist regime under the pretext of defending the rights of the Palestinians have now been disgraced.

Syria and Iran are part of the axis of resistance and provide support to the Palestinian resistance.


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